STEPHEN LAWSON b: April 5,1790 Hawkins Co. TN d: March 16,1873 burried in Old Four Mile Cem.,Polk Co.TN
m: 1825 in TN. Wife: Rosannah A. Haskins b: January 20,1797 TN d: March 4,1873 buried
in Old Four Mile Cem.,Polk Co.TN fa: Almire Haskins b: April 3,1712 Coventry, England mo: Muriel Service
War 1812 CHILDREN: THOMAS L. (see link) MARTHA Jane m: Wm. Harrison Bales on
2-14-1856 Knox Co.TN ALBERT(Alfred) b:1828 Monroe Co.TN d: belive he went to Alabama. m: Harriett Parmen m:
1/8/1845 Cumberland, NC (LDS) MATTHEW b: 1831 Monroe Co. TN EVELINE b: 1832(info in Ocoee M.E.Church)m:
Jehu Evans (of Polk Co.TN) ADELINE b:1834 m:James Keeney in Bradley Co. TN JUNE(Jane) b:1836
m: Thomas Kendrick(of Murray Co.GA) (left Ocoee M.E. Church in 1868) RUSSEL N. 1820 - ? m: 1st.Lucinda
Timmons 2nd.Johanna Martin (of McMinn Co. TN) have info to 1962. MARSHALL b: 1843-1900 Union Grove Cem.m:1st.
Prudence Varnell(2-27-1887-1925 Union Grove Cem.)on June 30,1866 Bradley Co. TN & 2nd Nancy Varnell-Brown. daug.'s of
Prudence. Children:w/Prudence: Onie, Martha, Dossie, Sallie,Sloan, Sam, Phil, Denver, Robert, and Houk. No ch. w/ Nancy.
RECORDS: Ocoee Methodist Church Polk Co. Historical Society Quaterlies Deeds Census 1790-1870 Hawkins to
Polk counties TN. Service records ENS Hawkins Co. 4th Regt. TN Militia School record in 4th grade Polk co. TN (12/16/1838)
PROOF TO PARENTS: Book Falling River Lawson's by: Velma Ann Roger's Tower, Deeds, Polk Co. Records, Ocoee M.E. Church.
Lawson Deeds Hawkins County Tenn 1792-1838 Deed Book 10 page 124 8 April 1816 (Reg 4 Apr 1821) Isham
Lawson William Lawson Elijah Lawson and Elisha Lawson heirs of William Lawson dec'd to Stephen Lawson all of Hawkins Co for
$50 each all right to 200 acres adg James Breeding (the undivided shares of land on which the widow of William Lawson Dec,
D now lives)Isaac Lounderback, James West wit LAWSON DEEDS Book 10 page 123 9 Mar 1819 (Reg 4 April 1821 ) Stephen
Lawson of Hawkins Co to Caleb J Parker of Greene Co for $1000 all the undivided right and title of Isham Lawson , Elisha Lawson
Stephen Lawson William Lawson Elijah Lawson and George Lawson heirs of William Lawson dec'd to 200 acres in Hawhins Co south
side of Holston River adj James Breeden where the widow Lawson now lives William Smith Henry Chesnutt, wit.