WILLIAM LAWSON b:1755 Lunenburg Co. Virginia d:Dodson Creek, Hawkins Co. Tennessee m: abt 1778 Pittslyvania
VA.( m: by 1/13/1779) Wife: Sarah Hinton b:abt.1757 Virginia d:after February 1826 Monroe Co. Tennessee
fa: Robert William of Virginia mo: Mary Unknown CHILDREN: THOMAS b:1779 Pittslyvania,
VA d:1826 Osage Co. Missouri m: Mary Polly Barrett (Barnett) (fam. written letter)m:April 14,1791 Mecklenberg Co. VA.
Children: Peggy m: Daniel Byrd. WILLIAM Marion b: 1781 Henry Co. VA m:Nancy Mary Hays(?) m: January 2,1802 Greene
Co. TN. (may also m: Rohda Bird Green Co.TN) ISHAM b:1782 Hawkins Co.TN d: before 1841 McMinn Co. TN m:
Sarah Randolph m: June 27,1803 Greene Co. TN (have more info here) ANNA b: 1785 Hawkins Co. TN d:August 1834
m: John Fraizer STEPHEN (see link) MARY b: 1787 Hawkins Co. TN m: RObert Wm. Stubblefield
m:1810 GEORGE W. (1791 Hawkins Co TN - ) m: Hannah Elizabeth Laughters m: 7/29/1858 Greene Co. TN ELISHA
b: 1792 Hawkins Co. TN m: 1st Elisabeth Rader m: August 19,1819 Greene Co. TN m:2nd Elisabeth Adams m: June 5,1837
ELIJAH b:1785-1800 Hawkins Co. TN d: 1840-1850 Madison Co. NC m: Susan Gallagher m: 1811 VA? PRESTON
Alexander b: 1799- 1800 Hawkins Co.TN d: 1873 Persia, Hawkins Co. TN m: 2nd Malinda Willis m:1827 Rogersville, Hawkins
Co.TN HINTON b: 1802 Buscombe,Hawkins Co.TN m: 1st Lucinda Hood m: May 7,1822 Roane Co.TN(divorced
abondement)m:2nd Delilah Morgan m: June 10,1847 Children: Lucinda: Leroy, Martha, Addison, Emily?, Jane, Mary, George. James
(?mother) WILEY b:1803 Hawkins Co.TN m: Elizabeth Bragg bond: Hawkins Co. Records have certf. m: May 21,1821
Hawkins co. Records.
RECORDS: Marriage registers Cemetery registers Service registers 50th VA Inf. (Amercian Rev.) History of TN by:
Goodspeed. WPA misc. Records Hawkins TN Deed Book E, 6, 3, 10, 9, 11, Hawkins Co TN Tax List 1792,1810, Bounty
War 1812 Land Grant Hickory Cove Baptist Minutes TN Newspaper abstracts. (Sarah, land & kids)
PROOF TO PARENTS: Will, Deeds. Lawson Genealogy by Velma Ann Rogers Tower The Falling River Lawson's
LAWSON DEED'S Book 6 page 331 26 Feb 1811 (Reg 11 May 1811 ) William Lawson to Samuel Smithy both of Hawkins
Co for $1000 200 acres south side of Holston River where Said William now lives adj. James Breeden on Honeycutt's Creek,
John A Rogers wit William Lawson Deed Book 5 Pittsylvania County Virginia Pages 126 and 128 This Indenture made
this day Thirteen Day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven and seventy nine. Between William Lawson
and Sarah his wife in the County of Pittsylvania of the one part and David Ross of the County of Dinwiddie of the other part
. Witt: that the Said William Lawson and his Wife Sarah for and in consideration of the sum of Eighty Three Pounds,
Two Shillings Current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said David Ross the receipt where and is hereby Acknowledged
he the Said William Lawson and Sarah his wife shalt and by these presents doth grant bargain sell Alien inseoff and confirm
unto the said David Ross his heirs and assigns forever one Certain tract of parcel of land situate lying and being in the
County of Pittsylvania Contains by estimation seventy five acres be the same more or less lying on the north side of Pigg
River and bounded by the said Rosses and Thomas Bennells lines. to have and to hold. The aforesaid tract of land and premises
willing appurtenances unto the said David Ross his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use I behold of him the said
David Ross and his hairs and assigns forever with all woods waterway meadows feedings Low grounds Mines Twines as well discovered
as to be here after discovered within the bounds aforesaid. and all other profits and commodities whatsoever to the same on
any part there of belonging on apportaming and every part and parcel there of with these and every of these appurtenances
unto the said David Ross his hairs and assigns forever and the said William Lawson and Sarah his wife the said bargained premises
with the appurtenances unto the said David Ross his hairs and assigns forever shall and will warrant and forever defend free
from and against the claim of demand of the said William Lawson and Sarah his wife and all and every other person or persons
whatsoever and Lastly it is covenanted and agreed upon by and between the parties to these presents what said William Lawson
and Sarah his wife shall and will from time to time and at all times have after when required make do and execute whatever
other or further act and deed maybe by the said David Ross his heirs or assigns for the further and better granted conveying
and assigning the premises. In witness where of the said two parties have hereunto set their hands of seals the day and year
above mentioned His Mark William Lawson (LS) Singed Sealed and delivered in Present of George Herndon David Watt Patiese
Mownison Memorandum that peace able and quiet possession of the within mentioned premises was had and taken
by the within named William Lawson and was had taken by him delivered unto the said David Ross according to the true intent
and meaning of the within written Deed His Mark William Lawson Witt: George Herndon David Watt Patriese Mowison
Received of David Ross Eighty three Pounds Two Shillings Current Money of Virginia in full satisfaction for the within
mentions land I say Received by me this Thirtieth day of January Anno Domni 1797 His mark William Lawson Witt: George Herndon
David Watt Partriese Mowison. At a Court held for Pittsylvania County the 16th of March 1779 This Indenture together
with the memorandum livery and sign and receipt here on indowd was acknowledged by the above named William Lawson to be his
severally acts and deeds and the same was ordered to recorded by the Court Notes for SARAH HINTON:
LAWSON DEEDS Book 30 Oct 30 1821 (Reg. 15 Feb 1823) Sarah Lawson, Hinton Lawson, Wyley Lawson and Anna Lawson to
John Grigsby, all of Hawkins Co. for $500 all interest in 200 acres south side of Holston River adj Said Grigsby and James
Breeden (where widow Sarah how lives ) and was conveyed by William Payne to the heirs of William Lawson dec'd., also interest
of Polly Lawson, dau. of Said Sarah Lawson . John A McKinney, Andrew Gouldy, wit. Notes for Sarah Hinton Hawkins
County Tenn Deed Book 9,pp.44,45,46 William Robert Hinton Bill of sale to Sarah Hinton Lwason In Rogersville,
TENNESSEE there is a book on Lawson's & Roger's, both built and founded Rogersville.