PROOF TO PARENTS: The Falling River Lawson's Information to be found in Rogersville Tenn County Court House
Barclay Lawson was known by several spellings of his name. His proper name was probably Bartholamew, but he was recorded
as Bart, Barclay, Bartlett and ect. Bartholamew married Susanna Simkins, daughter of John Simkins who married Elizabeth Rench/French
in Henrico County, Virginia in 1711, according to Court Records. Susanna was probably born ca 1720. Her father, John Simkins,
sold land in Henrico County, Virginia 17 September 1737 to Thomas Owen. John Simkins then bought land (190) acres on the
North side of the James River in Goochland County, Virginia. The deed was dated as the same day that he sold the first land.
He sold the 190 acres on the 12 day of January 1743 six years after he obtained it. Then on 25 July 1746, he obtained a patent
for 200 acres of land on Falling River in Brunswick County, Virginia, which put him in the vicinity of William Lawson and
his family. The date of the marriage of Barclay and Susanna Simkins is unknown, but her father's will named her as Susanna
Lawson, and the will was dated 22 January 1754 (Deed Bk 1, page 119-121; also Bk 1 page 570). It is thought that they had,
at least six sons William, Lisha, Jacob, Reuben, Moreman, and Peter. William and Lisha have been proven by deeds. Different
ways Bartholomew was called. Bart, Barclay, Bartlett.and etc. Deed Book 2-B pg.268-270 Bedford County, Va
This Indentured made this ninth day of February in the year of our lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Three. Being
the third year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord. George the third by the grace of GOD, King of Great Britain. SC. Between
Bartholomew Lawson of the county of Bedford of the one part and Michael Prewit of the party of the other part. witness that
the Said Bartholomew Lawson for and in consideration of the sum of forty five pounds current money of Virginia in hand paid
unto the Said Bartholomew Lawson the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged have granted, Bargained , sold Aliened.. Enforced
and confirmed and by these presents do grant Bargain sell Alien Enforced Confirm unto the Said Micheal Preuit his heirs Executors
Administrators and Aforsign All that Tract or Parcel of same situate lying and being in the County of Bedford on the south
side of Falling River Boquet to the said Bartholomew Lawson by john Simkins, Deceased containing by estimation one hundred
Acres be the same more or less and bounded as follow to Witt Beginning at a corner. Elm on Falling River thence a long Randolph
line North Eighty six degrees west Eighty poles to a white Oak trance North forty five degrees West to the dividing line between
the Said Bartholomew Lawson and Micheal Prewit. Except one quarter of an acres which is A burning place with all housed
buildings wood ways waters profit and advantage to it belonging to it. Belonging or appertaining and the Reversion Estate
Right title claims and demands what so ever of the said Bartholomew Lawson to the said land and premises or any part thereof
to have and to hold the same land's and premises with the appurtenances to the said Michael Pruit his heirs and al signs he
the said Bartholomew Lawson Shall and warrant and for ever defend by these presents and the said Bartholomew Lawson do for
them selves there heirs executors administrators and Aforsign here covenant and agree to and with the said Micheal Pruit his
heirs executors administrators and Aforsign in manner and form Follin to Witt that is to say that the said Bartholomew
Lawson at the time of this sealing and delivery here of stand and are seized of all the said premises of goods and perfect
estate in fee simple to him and his heirs for ever and have a good rightful power and lawful authority to a sure the same
in every part of there of unto the said Micheal Pruit his heirs and al signs in manner a fore said and that the said Micheal
Pruit his heirs and every of them shell and may at all times here after peaceably hold and enjoy all and singular that said
Grand premises without any set suit molestation or change what so ever of or by The said Bartholomew Lawson or his heirs or
any other person what so ever lawfully having or claiming any holding or title to the said granted premises or any part there
of that is to say he. the said Bartholomew Lawson his hairs shall not by virtue of his own claim or the claim of any other
person offer to hinder or disturbed the said Micheal Pruit or his hairs neither directly or indirectly. in witness there
of the said Bartholomew Lawson hath here unto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year above written Bartholomew
Lawson his mark + in the presence of Thomas Watkins, James Prewit, Patient Shiply, At Court held for Bedford
County May 24 1763 this indenture was proved by oath Robert Shiply and James Pruit and at a court held for the said County
Sept. 27 1763 the same was further proved by oath of Thomas Watkins and ordered to record. TO ALL THAT READ'S THIS
for SUSANNA SIMKINS: In John Simkins will gives Susanna 100 acres of land to recieve uphon her mothers death in 1763 Bartholonew
her husband sold this 100 acres of land to his brother in law Micheal Pruit of Bedford County Virginia Deed Book 2 Page 268