Welcome to my LAWSON family tree!
Some families know a great deal about their roots; others know very little. This site is an attempt to record what I've learned
about our family history. In these modern times, families tend to be scattered all over the country, if not the world. One
of the goals of this web site is to help our family stay connected even though we live far apart.
On this page I'll provide a little information about what inspired me to do this research. Most of this information was probably
obtained from talking to living relatives and from researching public records. In the course of doing this research, I've
discovered that I have many more relatives than I ever thought possible! I started in 1982 trying to find family
and find out how they lived and what made an impact on their lives. I find this extreamly intresting and find out things I
would have never thought about. I would have never thought I would be intrested in cemeteries or dusty old records. I would
never have given a second thought to a small article in the newspaper about a birthday celebration or who was visiting who.
I might even have been a little upset that my movements were a story in a paper. Now I find every little story is a personal
story of people I never knew. Gives me little peeks into their lives. This is a work in progress, so please
contact me if you have any information that might help round out the picture.
NOTE: I have tried to provide information that I have with as much proof as I find. I also wish to THANK all
the people who have helped me and gave research freely. I will post what I have as acuratley as possible. I have NO intrest
in BOOKS, or Articles of any kind, as my information came from so many researchers hard work and my own that I am ONLY
intrested in how far I can go with proof. THANKS YOU to ALL! Enjoy.
I would like to give a great big "THANK YOU" to the many people who have helped me.
People on the LAWSON-L SE-TN list, BRADLEY list, Polk list, Hawkins list, Dean,Imogene,Tom, Sherrie Cleveland
History Library - Barbara, Polk co. Research center - Marion Presswood. Phillip, Larry, Phillip, Tim ect.. All the
people who volunteer to do look ups!
With the age of electronics and internet we are now able to find records and
people that are all helpful.Go to places we might never get to with instant results.