Also see link for more info and pic's of headstones.
UNION GROVE CHURCH OF GOD CEMETERY FUND, UNION GROVE ROAD, CHARLESTON, TN 37310 These ladies have been trying their hardest for a long time for the upkeep on Union Grove. They would Love donations and upkeep funds to keep this cemetery as good as possible. Ann Parker Waters, 179 Bucks Pocket Rd., Old Fort,TN 37362 & Linda Longwith, 1415 Benton Pike, Cleveland, TN 37311. email-AWATERS@vec.org .
Some people have given me information on people buried in Union Grove (Lower) Cemetery that do not have headstones, these are listed as family info no dates given, due to no dates provided. IF you know these dates please let me know I will add them.
Chicago/France Famlies
Norway Famlies
Lawson Family - Tennessee & Virginia
Tennessee Families
Cleveland Herald 1875 - 1800
TN Newspaper Abstracts

Union Grove Cemetery
Union Grove Road / Old Bacon Road Located on Tasso Road east from Highway 11 To Chatta Valley Road about four miles.Go Noth on Chatta Valley Road approximately four tenths of a mile. Take this road east two and eight tenths of a mile to church and cemetery. This was formerly Methodist, now Church of God of Prophecy. The cemetery is divided by the road and a bit over to one side. There are some unmarked graves.
(Recorded in August of 1998 by Susan Langheld, with help from Cleveland Historical Center who helped tremendously) Updated 10/1999, and 2002
Stories of people buried in Union Grove from Family members.
It will be personal and give charcter and life to our area in time.
See ya all soon.
Note: Any one following LAWSON check out OLD FOUR MILE CEMEYERY IN POLK CO. (have pic's of some of the headstones)
Names that will be added soon as info is received. ALFORD,ALFORD,WILKINSON,OGLES, McALISTER.
A- Allen, Arthur Jerome 3rd
January 15,1972
August 2, 1998
Safe in Jesus Arms
- Alford, Lou
1880 - 1935
d/o F.Pearce
- Alford, L Reno
1874 - 1959
- Alford, L A
April 16, 1849
March 4, 1916
- Alford, Nannie
February 18, 1849
February 12, 1898
- Alford, Herbert Lentz
Son of Herbert & Mary
November 27, 1940
August 26, 1942
- Alford,Glen
family info no dates given
- Alford, Linda
family info no dates given
- Alford, John
family info no dates given
- Alleway, Gertie Hudson
d: May 6, 1913
Age 24 yrs.
- Baker,Joe Alice
d: January 17, 1879
age 10 yrs 5 months
(*daughter of J.J.W.& M.J *)
Baker,Hannah Elizabeth
mo: Manerva J.Climer
no other info.
- Baker Lt. Joseph James Walker
Co. A 10th Calvary
October 11, 1838
August 27, 1901
s/o George & Casson(Williams)Baker
(*married to below *)
- Baker, Minerva Jane (Climer)
November 15, 1838
May 13, 1923
(*married to above*)
- Baker Manerva J.
September 29, 1825
September 23, 1902
(* married to below, 2 children below*)
- Baker, W. H. H.
March 3, 1841
April 20, 1902
s/o George & Casson (Williams) Baker
(* married to above, 2 children follow below*)
- Baker,Susan E.
May 25, 1858
November 3, 1892
- Baker, Thomas Allen
d: December 24, 1879
age 2 yrs 1 month 20 day
son of W.H. Baker and M.J. Baker
- Beaty, Laura M.
June 17, 1905
March 18, 1936
- Bingham, Ashberry
February 18, 1917
- Bingham, Evelyn
December 9, 1887
August 9, 1921
- Bingham, Mary
January 10, 1854
September 6,1926
- Bingham, Nancie Jane
1847 - 1887
- Blackwell, John Moss
January 27, 1892
October 28, 1929
- Blackwell, Taylor
November 6, 1920
June 6, 1934
- Bledsoe, Dwight M.
September 15, 1916
- Bledsoe, Liza S.
September 14, 1899
- Boyer, W. A.
December, 7 1877
May 24, 1913
- Boyer, Joe H.
1854 - 1926
- Boyer, Martha J.
1886 - 1944
- Boyer, Lafayette
Tennessee Calvary Co. A
January 28, 1845
July 31, 1923
- Boyer,Emaline (Keeney)
November 8, 1861
May 10, 1956
wife of above
- Boyer, Benjamin Franklin
January 11, 1851
January 24, 1926
- Boyer, Sarah Tabitha
d: February 3, 1932
age 63 yrs.
Boyer, John Luther
October 28, 1884
February 24, 1920
- Callahan,WillieElmer
- Calahan, Reba Burgess
February 14, 1919
- Callahan, Mary Malvina (Boyer)
October 14, 1881
February 13, 1972
- Callahan, W. H.
October 21, 1861
April 25, 1907
- Callahan
2 stones not readable
belived to be
William (Bill) Callahan
October 21,1861
April 25,1907
Elizabeth (Bales) Callahan
1830 - 1915
(fa: James Bales)
(mo: Fannie Manis)
- Callahan, Ricky Lee
August 1,1958
November 6,1998
- Callahan, Cal
January 9,1877
December 8,1947
Foot stone reads "Cal"
Hidden by low branches of the tree
- Callahan,Cal
December 8,1941
Two diffrent stones close to each other.
- Calahan, Infant
Daug of WH & NPC Calahan
April 29,1904
May 7,1904
NPC is Nancy Permillla Samples
and William Harrison Callahan
as listed below.
- W H Callahan
October 21,1861
April 25,1907
Sleep follow father dear
And take thy rest
God called thee home
He thought it best
- Nancy Samples Callahan
May 20,1868
February 18,1931
Forever with the Lord
wife of W H Callahan.
- Charlie V Callahan
July 24,1907
October 8,1924
In Loving Memory
- John C Callahan
November 15,1922
- Carver, David N.
Tennessee Pvt.2512
Base unit AAF
World War 2
January 4, 1915
May 5, 1971
- Carver,Fred
March 11, 1924
October 13, 1957
- Carver, Edna E.
July 18, 1907
December 18, 1939
- Casson,Griffin
January 8,1825
- Casson,Hannah
June 15,1834
April 10,1897
- Casson,Walter H.
November 27, 1879
February 23, 1937
- Casson, Maddie A.
November 1885
- Casson,George W.
December 25, 1869
May 1,1931
- Casson,Cora M.
April 28,1890
August 2,1985
"Together Forever"
- Casson,John Barton
PVT US Army WW 2
November 24,1914
April 26,1986
- Casson Anna
March 31,1877
June 9,1907
- Casson,James D.
June 30, 1904
March 28,1958
- Casson,Infant children
Of W. H. & M. J. Casson
- Clark,Della Varnell
May 25,1891
May 23,1919
(* wife of Wm.Joseph Clark m:1908)
(daug. of Monte Varnell)
- Conner,Samuel H.
January 1,1850
August 30,1900
- Cross,Shirley Ann
July 1,1938
September 9,1997
"Loving Memories Last Forever"
- Denton, Ola
d: March 8,1837
- Denton, Florence E.
November 4,1876
April 16,1918
- Denton, Baby boy
- Denton, Walter H.
November 23, 1919
October 17, 1958
- Dilbeck, Ida M.
October 2, 1881
September 1, 1956
- Duke, Toye Helton
February 2, 1903
October 20, 1970
- Fulbright, Weaber
May 17,1881
July 13, 1912
- Fulbright, Herbie
October 17,1896
August 1, 1898
- Fulbright, Frank W.
December 19, 1901
August 16, 1902
- Fulbright, Lettie Jane (Baker)
November 28, 1869
May 15,1899
- Fulbright, Sallie
November 4, 1849
April 11, 1895
- Fulbright, Effie
March 4, 1883
April 4,1885
- Fulbright, Polly
March 10, 1818
April 11, 1895
- Cpl. Jessie Fulbright
Co. A 9 Tennessee Calvary
- Fulbright, Barto(Barton)
January 27, 1872
December 16, 1908
- Fulbright, Miles
Pvt. Co. 1, 3rd Regiment
April 28, 1842
February 23, 1928
- Felker, S. J. (Sallie Jane)(Smith)
October 15, 1826
July 9, 1910
(* married to below*)
- Felker, J. G. (Joseph Glass)
March 9, 1826
December 31, 1913
s/o PeterFelker
(* married to above*)
- Freeman, George W.
February 6, 1870
January 2, 1938
- Freeman, Flora L.(Lawson)
September 16, 1871
September 8,1957
d/o T.L. Lawson - Freeman, Andy
February 19, 1893
November 25, 1946
- Freeman, Buford D.
December 1, 1916
October 24, 1939
- Gibson, Emma E.
November 1, 1887
February 1, 1960
- Gibson, Billy
May 1,1930
June 5,1991
in plot w/ George & Flora Freeman)
- Goode, Francis M.
Co E 6 th Tennessee Inf.
- Goode, Simie E.
- Goode,(all on one stone)
Ethel, Stedrick,Semiee, Haywood
(no dates )
- Goodner, Letha
January 17, 1872
November 8, 1900
- Goodner, Thomas Ruben
December 2, 1873
January 10, 1953
- Gray
October 24, 1899
December 10, 1991
same stone w/ ROLEN
- Hall,Julius F.
July 1,1888
June 25,1961
- Hall,Zona (Dunn)
January 25,1896
- Hall,Sammy
b & d December 24,1953
- Hall,Veta
b & d November 3,1955
- Hamilton,Dossi Pearl
February 26,1921
March 13,1921
- Hamilton, J. B.
May 23,1922
July 12,1930
- Hamilton,Sallie J.
January 1,1887
July 12,1968
- Hamilton,Wm. B.
January 28,1877
March 25,1968
- Hamilton,Wm. Lawson
b & d May 1932
- Helton,Henry Lee
Nov. 11,1933
- Helton,Jessie Henry
Aug. 1,1919
Aug. 11, !919
- Helton, William Henry
Aug. 17, 1898
Aug 13, 1932
Helton, Lou Stella Tallent
Jan. 15, 1901
Sept. 29,1965
- Helton,William Harvey
Jan. 31,1921
April 15, 1943
Helton, Ella
1871 - 1952
- Helton, Jasson
1871 - 1951
- Helton, Milburn A.
October 11,1909
June 6,1950
- Hudson,Eliza
d: November 6,1913
age 68 yrs
- Hudson,George
March 10,1844
January 6,1924
- Hunt,Laura B.
1863 - 1910
- Hunt,Sylvinia J.(Lawson)
November 15, 1841
April 1,1921
wife of below
- Hunt,James
February 1,1814
April 15,1879
info. from family
- Hunt,Sam B.
1865 - 1960
(son of George & Texanna (Callahan)) - Hunt,Ida E. (Baker)(Fullbright)
1879 - 1967
2nd wife of Sam Hunt.
Daug. to J.J.W. & Malvena E. Baker
- Hunt,Minnie Mertle
Age 17 months
Daughter of Sam & Laura B. Hunt
- Johnson, Edward G.
November 7, 1907
April 19, 1937
- Johnson, Dovie L.
June 20, 1907
- Keeney, John
- Keeney, Jane
February 1837
March 5, 1895
- Kinser Tennie Cate
March 10,1856
December 6,1922
fa: Frank Marion Cate
mo:Catherine Zetty Cate
m: A. B. Kinser
info from d: cert./ family member. - Kyle,Martha J.
March 9,1854
August 11,1888
Wife of S. A. Kyle
- Lauderdale, Iva Pierce
January 18, 1888
February 16, 1937
- Lauderdale, Vince
December 18, 1880
March 7, 1926
- Lauderdale, James
February 14, 1813
April 26, 1890
- Lauderdale, Margret
d: February 6, 1880
Age 56 yrs
- Lawson, Rev. Mark
February 22, 1897
October 25, 1960
m: Leola Baker
s/o T.A. Lawson
- Lawson,Leola B.
October 23,1898
July 6,1975
m: Rev. Mark
- Lawson,Frank
January 1,1891
March 31, 1960
s/o T.A. Lawson
wife below
- Lawson, Lomer Mae
March 30, 1891
October 11, 1948
Daughter of Wm. & Elizabeth
Callahan (unmarked)
- Lawson, Frank T.
October 20, 1895
July 27, 1935
- Lawson, Sgt. Clarence
Died in service
Camp Barkley, Texas
April 11, 1912
June 23, 1942
- Lawson,Jas.T.
February 27,1883
December 27,1954
s/o T.A. Lawson
(* m: Lou Alice*)
- Lawson,Lou Alice
October 15, 1880
July 27, 1937
(* m:Jas.T.*)
- Lawson, J. B. Jr.
January 1, 1927
September 3, 1932
- Lawson, Alberta B.
March 24, 1929
December 3, 1929
- Lawson, Lucille M.
June 1, 1924
June2, 1924
- Lawson, Sarah Elizabeth (Stevinson)
May 23, 1862
August 22, 1947
(* m: T.A.*)
- Lawson, T.A. (Thomas Alexander)
April 29, 1860
April 15, 1930
s/o T.L. Lawson
(* m: Sarah E.*)
- Lawson, Claude Wesley
Infant son of T.A.& Sarah E.
- Lawson, Margret (Kyle)
February 19, 1833
July 5, 1893
(*m: Thomas L.*)
- Lawson,Thomas L.
Indiana Vols
(*m: 2nd Margaret Kyle*)
s/o Stephen Lawson
- Lawson,Jack P.
November 21, 1906
May 23, 1928
- Lawson,Tina
April 16, 1881
August 3, 1936
- Lawson,Isham T.
June 18,1881
March 29,1917
s/o T.A. Lawson
- Lawson,Paul
January 18,1893
October 31,1969
s/o T.A. Lawson
(* m: Berdie Lou)
- Lawson, Berdie Lou
March 17,1899
Sept 27,1994
(* m: Paul*)
- Lawson,Fred
December 3,1919
September 6,1932
- Lawson,Stephen
April 15,1853
May16, 1900
(* m: Bell M.V.,children below*)
- Lawson,Bell M. V.
June 11, 1862
August 13,1889
(* m: Stephen,children below*)
- Lawson, Children of
Stephen & Belle M. Lawson
- Lawson,Prudence Varnell
d: February 27, 1887
Age 38 yrs 2 months 28 days
1st wife of Marshall Lawson
- Lawson, David Beecher
April 7,1902
July 12,1949
s/o T.A. Lawson
- Lawson, Lt. Marshall
Discharged April 28,1865
Co.1, 10th Calvary
s/o Stephen Lawson
- Lawson, J. Howard (John)
March 4,1887
September 5,1968
s/o T.A. Lawson
(* m: Bettie Jane Pearce*)
- Lawson,Betty Jane Pearce
September 25,1856
May 6,1985
d/o Frank Pearce
(* m: J.Howard)
- Lawson, Nancy J.
September 10,1842
March 21,1913
2nd wife of Marshall Lawson
sister to 1st wife,Varnell-Brown
- Lawson,Pearl Ethel McKinney
July 18,1903
April 24, 1930
wife of David Lawson
mo: Cora Perkins
- Lawson,Rebecca
May 20,1859
June 21, 1916
(* m: Jackson*)
- Lawson,Jackson L.
October 15,1856
December 24,1920
s/o T.L. Lawson
(* m: Rebecca*)
- Lawson,Sampson
February 24, 1895
September 24,1974
s/o T.A. Lawson
(* m: Emma Lou Vesta J.*)
- Lawson,Emmalou Vesta J.
November 25,1895
November 1,1969
(* m:Sampson*)
- Lawson,Infant daughter of
O.J. & S. E. Lawson
September 18, 1907
December 1,1907
- Lawson,Virgil Edward
August 13,1915
October 12, 1970
- Lawson,Marriane R.
November 6,1912
- Lawson,J. B.
February 8, 1907
January 16,1971
- Lawson, J.B. jr.
January 1,1927
September 1,1928
- Lawson,Essie Jay
April 12,1909
February 1,1981
- Lawson, Chester
October 10,1901
- Lawson,Mossie
December 20,1907
July 14, 1971
- Lawson,Mildred
March 24,1923
March 25,1923
- **(Not in cemetery book)**
- **Lawson,Willard Vaughn
September 18,1927
April 10, 1984
S1 Navy
- **Lawson,ClarenceG.
August 12,1929
December 16,1982
(m: to Ruth L.)
- **Lawson,Ruth L.
June 5,1930
m:Clarence G.
**Lawson, Joseph A.
July 22,1917
December 23,1975
- **Lawson, Thomas C.
June 17,1919
September 1,1984
Tech 4 Army
- **Lawson,Samuel W.
January 4,1869
June 10,1927
- **Lawson,William Allen (Bill)
January 24,1937
June 19,1947
- **Lawson,Lillian Virgie Ball
December 13, 1902
October 27,1978
- **Lawson,Annette
September 1,1931
November 3, 1931
(* double stone with below*)
- **Lawson,Gennette
September 1, 1931
May 19,1932(behind T.A.& Sarah Lawson)
(* double stone with above*)
- **Lawson,Ester Llewellyn
February 10,1913
December 7,1974
(* Double stone with below, twin brother*)
- **Lawson,Lester L.
February 10,1913
February 17,1986
(* double stone with above, twin sister*)
- Ledford,Dorthy C.
March 4,1919
October 1,1941
- Leach,Susie
May 10,1879
January 29, 1931
- Link,Etta Bell
April 15,1917
August 23,1917
- Longwith,Bill W.
Tennessee Pvt. 8 Calvary
World War 2
December 10,1923
February 28,1945
- Longwith,Nettie Hagler
August 30,1890
September 27, 1925
- Longwith,Maude Ann
April 18,1888
October 10,1919
- Longwith,Anna Bell
April 16,1915
August 16,1938
- Longwith,Walter E.
April 5,1889
August 16,1938
- Longwith Susie Emmaline Pearce
June 19, 1884
January 5,1966
d/o Frank Pearce
(*m: J.Milton*)
(d/o F.E & Emmaline)
- Longwith, J.Milton
January 27, 1887
June 29, 1927
(* m: Suzie E.*)
- Longwith,Jas.E.
June 29, 1920
May 20,1921
- Longwith,Carl Stephen
October 2,1912
January 22,196-
- McAlister, Banner
1871 - 1936
- McAllister, Thurston L.
Feb. 16,1915
- McAllister, Irene Holder
Dec. 10, 1931
The Lord Is My Shepard
- McAlister, Isham
1865 - 1936
- McAlister, Marchie Kate
March 10, 1920
January 18, 1922
- McAlister, Jacob
b: & d: December 16, 1916
- McAlister, Belle
September 10, 1879
October 1, 1968
- McAlister , George H.
April 1, 1883
November 27, 1952
- McAlister, Loyd
August 13, 1896
December 10, 1957
- McAlister, Emma Lee (Callahan)
October 28, 1908
April 19, 1946
wife of Charlie McAlister
- McAlister, Elosie
15 months diptheria
daughter of Alvin McAlister
- McCracken, Jack L.
1858 - 1934
- McCracken, Nancy D.
1860 - 1946
- McCracken, Charles
May 30, 1886
February 1899
- McCracken, Jas. Bartley
August 16, 1892
November 25, 1892
- McCracken, Martha Mae
March 15, 1897
June 11, 1898
- McCracken, Pledger
April 25, 1901
March 14, 1902
- McCracken,
Several Infants
- McCracken, David Franklin
August 22, 1904
April 15, 1948
- McDonald, Mart Gregory
d: July 19, 1954
- McFarland, John A.
D: September 18, 1958
Age 44 yrs 10 months
- McNeely, Mary
July 18, 1870
November 17, 1930
M - Manious, J. R.
May 19, 1921
January 1, 1938
- Moore, Charley
1876 - 1942
- Moore, Onie
1878 -
- Moore, Clifford
June 16, 1906
May 14, 1921
- Moore, Infant son of
Charles & Onie Moore
- Moore, Lillie
July 12, 1865
March 10, 1922
- Moore, Levada
b: & d: March 25, 1935
- Moore, Amanda K.
January 1, 1870
- Moore, Wm. L.
September 8, 1867
June 21, 1947
- **Morgan, Rev, Woodrow
January 9, 1919
November 11, 1996
U.S. Army Air Corps
W W 2
(* married to below*)
- **Morgan, Dora Lawson
November 28, 1919
(* married to above*)
m: October 12, 1940
N - Nichols, Mary Stowe
December 30, 1876
February , 1927
- Nichols, Gerge R.
February 22, 1877
March 29, 1957
O - Orr, J. Parker
May 9, 1840
March 14, 1925
- Ogles, James
family info no dates given
- Ogles, Patricia
family info no dates given
- ListP
- Parker, R.A.
May 22, 1912
January 23, 1928
- Parker, Hibbert R.
May 26, 1913
February 7, 1921
- Parker, Mary
November 9, 1888
- Parker, Ben
November 24, 18
1896 October 15, 1926
- Parker, Liza Elizabeth
January 1, 1900
October 15, 1926
- Parker, Nancy E.
April 15, 1876
December 31, 1959
- Parker, Jasper Nuton
August 25, 1851
July 20, 1932
- Parker, Walter
October 11, 1909
- Parker, Willard V.
October 23, 1919
October 3,1920
- Parker, Frank M.
January 9, 1884
December 17,1965
- Parker, Otis Lee
September 19,1919
November 11, 1942
- Parker, Jimmie
July 10, 1925
October 15, 1926
- Parker, Rachel Viola
March 21,1914
July 6,1970
- Parker, Isaac
March 4,1875
- Parker,Savannah Casson
1884 - 1976
Wife of Isaac Parker above
- Pearce, John
June 27, 1826
December 16, 1912
s/o Lewis Pearce
(* married to below*)
- Pearce, Hannah J. Baker
April 22, 1828
March 17, 1889
(* married to above*)
- Pearce, James Green
(Cant read)
- Pearce, W. G.
June 7, 1858
December 2, 1899
(* married to below*)
- Pearce, Lavada
June 13, 1854
August 12, 1920
(* married to above*)
- Pearce, Franklin Euphrates
April 12, 1853
January 20, 1918
s/o John Pearce
(* married to below*)
- Pearce, Emmeline (Felker)
September 25, 1855
February 11, 1937
(* married to above*)(JLB is a hard to read stone next to Emmaline, looks to be a childs grave marker)
- Pearce, John H.
1855 - 1894
- Pierce,Mary Elizabeth
1853 - 1897
- Pearce, John
1855 - 1894
- Pearce, William Erby
June 22,1870
Nov. 6,1872
Infant of H.J. Pearce
- Pearce,Lewis
Pearce,Christina Fite
between 1870-1880
fa: Peter Fite
Both Here & unmarked
- Price, Hazel Louise
March 10, 1919
June 17, 1939
- Pruiett, Edna
April 1, 1927
- Pruiett, Matt
April 2, 1885
March 20, 1940
- Pruiett,
SFC 27 Inf.25 Inf Division Korea
May 10, 1929
September 16, 1950
Q - Quinn, Dr. E. A.
August 29, 1855
May 6, 1924
- Quinn, Ella Mayfield
December 5, 1860
December 22, 1917
- Rolen, Son
Lee Davidson
Nov. 15,1921
P F C U S Army
W W 2 (See Gray)
- Routh, Francis Marion
Co. L 3 Tennessee Calvary
- Routh,Sarah Ann Tripplett
January 10,1949
Wife of Francis Marion Routh
- Sachs, William (Billy)
May 26,1922
June 17,1988
- Sachs, Pauline Valentine (Polly)
Feb. 14,1923
Feb. 25,1998
- Sewell, Tressie (Callahan)
October 15, 1869
June 20, 1955
daughter of Wm. & Elizabeth
Callahan (unmarked)
- Shook, Alvin F.
May 14, 1916
May 17, 1947
- Shook, George
January 11, 1972
July 16, 1944
- Shook, Annie Bell
October 13, 1882
July 10, 1964
- Stevison, Hugh
1877 - 1956
- Stevison, Tulie
July 17, 1889
April 2, 1968
- Stevison, Onie Mae
June 28, 1903
- Stevison, Jas. Robert
March 1916
January 25, 1945
- Stevison, George
May 2, 1878
May 6, 1964
- Stevison, Jessie L.
June 12, 1908
- Stevison,Mack
December 25, 1875
January 24, 1946
- Stevison, Andy
November 23, 1911
December 24, 1943
- Stevison, Annie
1876 - 1927
- Stevison, Steller
1909 - 1920
- Stevison, Martha E. John
January 5, 1847
May 7, 1913
d/o Andrew & Nancy Stevenson
(* married to below*)
- Stevison, John Lewis
February 18, 1848
March 18, 1936
(* married to above*)
- Stevison, Sarah
February 16, 1860
March 18, 1936
- Stevison, T. H.
October 11, 1858
May 2, 1926
- Stevison, Nelli
October 23, 1897
September 23, 1901
- Stevenson, Frank
June 28, 1903
July 25, 1945
- Stevenson, Mollie
October 12, 1852
July 5, 1926
- Stevenson, Samuel Frank
August 29, 1856
January 24, 1921
s/o Andrew & Nancy Pearce
- Stevenson, Ambrose F.
September 11, 1879
August 10, 1913
- Stevenson, J. Henry
June 13, 1876
August 4, 1941
- Stevenson, Joe
January 29, 1929
July 28, 1946
- Stevenson, Flavis Lee
July 19, 1918
May 30, 1938
- Stowe,Herbert
March 29,1908
April 11,1936
- Stowe,Ted
July 1,1917
January 13,1921
- Stowe, John David (J.D.)
August 8,1911
August 8, 1949
- Swafford, Jason Samuel
January 9, 1911
June 30, 1944
- Swafford, Jennie B.
July 8, 1883
April 15, 1951
- Swafford, Rufus Howard
January 15, 1876
April 2, 1911
- Tallent, Sarah Jane
d: October 1940
Age 75 years 9 months
- Tallent, Willie M.
October 12, 1898
May 22, 1901
- Tallent, Sarah
January 5, 1865
October 11, 1940
- Tallent, Willie T.
August 5, 1869
May 5, 1935
- Tallent, A. C. (Bud)
September 19, 1891
October 24, 1967
- Tallent, Nora Boyer
February 3, 1896
November 1, 1918
Varnell, Jas. M
June 16, 1889
January 4, 1924
- ****Varnell, A. M.
October 22,1872
December 11, 1931
(* this is one side of stone, shared with below two also.*)
- ****Varnell, Eliza A.
March 6, 1866
December 23, 1904
(* together on one side with next *)
- ****Varnell, Odie M.
March 16, 1904
January 22, 1905
(* shared stone with last row last two names*)
- Wilkinson, Henry C.
family info no dates given
- Wilkinson, female
wife of Henry
family info no dates given
- Wright, Sallie Lawson
Daughter of J.L. & Rebecca Lawson
February 14, 1892
February 7, 1916
" ** " show names not listed in Bradley County, Historical Cementerys.
These names are recorded by myself in August 1998 at the Union Grove Cemetery with my husbands help.
I have also noted where the spouses were mentioned on the stones.
" **** " This is because this head stone with three names is residing in side a little rock wall with T. A. Lawson and Sarah Lawson. Varnell Family was very close with Lawson Family. Marriages between them.
Please allow for human error but I double checked all information.
* * STORIES * *
From Family and Friends
HERBERT STOWE, (email from granddaughter)I found your web page and cried while calling my mother. My grandfather Herbert Stowe is buried there. He has an unmarked grave. My mom want desperately to find out where he is buried so she can put a headstone there. My mom was 3 yrs old when he died. His name is Herbert Stowe. He was born March 29,1908, and died April 11,1936. His mother was Callie Routh Stowe and his father was John Stowe. Some earlier memories that mother has is somebody telling her that the day of the funeral it was rainning so much the grave kept filling up with water. I would love to find out where the grave is and present that information to mother on Mother's Day.
note: no know plat of the cemetery exisits.
HERBERT STOWE obit, Cleveland Daily Banner, Herbert Stowe 28, Employee of Bradley Machine company, died suddenly Saturday night at 9:00 at his home on the old Dave Duncan farm in Chatta Valley, about two minutes after reaching home after a long and strenouse days work. He worked with his brother in law John Weaver. Stowe was a member of Wildwood Camp. W.O.W. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Anette Stowe one daughter Virginia Ruth one son John B. Stowe one brother J.B. Stowe and two sisters Mrs. John Weaver of Lee highway, Mrs. Virgil Wilkinson of Akron, OH. Funeral services were held this afternoon from Union Grove Cemetery. Rev. J. David Kidwell pastor of the Frist Christian church officiating buriel being made in the church cemetery.
JOHN HOWARD LAWSON I only met Howard twice as a child. He was dark skinned from the sun and wore a hat and overalls. He was very quiet.He smiled at the kids(seven of us)but that was about all. They had a chicken coop with quite a few chickens, and some times sold the eggs.Mom talks so fondly of him. Mom was raised by Howard and Bettie (his wife, also buried here)most of her life. She talks of how proud honest and gental of a man he was. He had very good carpenter skills building a house for each of his children (3). I was also told of Howard buying honey from a friend near Baker rd when his children were younger.He was a devoted family and church man. Never was involved in bootleggin as many other family members were. It seems your either a good Lawson or a bad Lawson with no fine line to cross.
VARNELL I spent a beautiful day in Union Grove cemetery a few years ago & placed roses on my grandmother’s,(Della Varnell Clark) grave. My parents were both orphaned or abandoned when they were very young & so, until my brother began to seek them, my Tennessee family, the Varnells & McCallisters & Clarks were a complete mystery to us. All we knew of them was the little that my mother, Charlotte Elizabeth Clark, and her sisters, Gladys, Lois & Etta shared with us. Della, we were told, died during the flu epidemic of 1917 & 1918, leaving four little girls, my mother & my aunts. When Della died, the little girls were farmed out to families in the area, only one of which were relatives, & that was Andrew Jackson Clark, where 2 year old Etta was sent. My mother, 4 year old Charlotte, was raised by the Moore family & always thought of Mrs. Moore as the closest she ever came to having a mother. Della’s husband disappeared from his daughters lives soon after Della died. I’ve always wondered why the Varnell family didn’t take their granddaughters in. I’ve a picture, (one of my most precious possessions, having only come into my life in the last few years), of Grandmother Della when she was about 13 years old.....and with her are all of her brothers & sisters, (quite a lot of them, those Varnells!) & her mother, Eliza, & father, Monty Varnell. On the day that I opened the envelope with that picture, sent to me by my brother, though I remembered his warning to “Be Prepared”, I was stunned to see how much I look like her......The connection I felt to her was instantaneous and remains very strong.There is no way to describe what I felt that day in that old cemetery.....anger at the family who abandoned those beautiful little girls....love, such love for a beautiful, laughing girl that died so young...& regret that I hadn’t found that grave before my Mom died. When I looked at that old church, I remembered that my Mother told me that as a child, she always dreaded mother’s day.....All the little girls except Mother, wore a red rose for their Mom on that day.....but my mother always had to wear a white rose because her mother was in heaven. How she hated white roses all her life
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